Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fear House (2008) DVDRip

Saturday, 02 August 2008 Fear House (2008) DVDRip "Fear House" synopsis; Relatives and colleagues of reclusive writer Samantha Ballard track her to an isolated home in the California desert where they discover her some nine months later severely traumatized. She greets them with a grim announcement that they will die if they attempt to leave the house. After Samanthas ex-husband and his girlfriend suffer horrible deaths while trying to escape, the others realize that she was serious. They begin to scheme a safe way out even as the malevolent force that rules the house stirs the worst fears of each of them, causing them to wonder: Can they escape the evil house before their fears kill them all? When I viewed "Fear House", I got the same feeling as when I viewed the film "Phantasm" in 1979, that the horror genre may have a new talented director. Of course Don Cosscarelli went on to have a good cult following of his films (Phantasm 5 is in production) and I feel director Michael Morris may have a better future ahead of him. "Fear House" doesnt rely on over-the-top gore and blood special effects, but the psychological fear of what really scares us deep inside. While trapped in the house, each person meets their deepest fears head on and its up to them on how to handle it as to whether they will survive or not. This film is part Phantasm, part Evil Dead and part Black Christmas (the original). Its not what you see that terrorizes you, but your own sub-conscience is your enemy.


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